
My name is Ryan, and I started this blog to write about life. I have always enjoyed writing, but have been fairly lazy with it, despite myriad reasons I come up with every day to put pen to paper, or rather, fingers to keyboard. I briefly ran a blog last year centered around my hobby of collecting toys, but for several reasons, I abandoned my contribution to it. Rising from the ashes of that failed venture, I will present here a more expansive universe, in which I will write about things that I enjoy, such as movies, music, beer, toys, food, and whatever else strikes my fancy. You will find old pieces that I have written, as well as new ones, whenever an idea takes hold. Who knows, I might even throw in a short story from time to time. The title of this blog reflects the unrestrained nature of it, as I will write about whatever I want, whenever I want. However, I do not condone putting your life at risk out on the roads. You should always wear your seatbelt. Seriously.

You can follow The No Seatbelt Blog on Facebook, and you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram.


(This cartoon version of me is courtesy of my artsy friend Natalie Jane)

I would like to briefly introduce you to my little family, who I will be referencing in future blogs on the site.



Jenn is my wonderful wife. We met in 2010 on Match.com, and got married on April 22nd, 2016. Jenn works as a dental assistant. She enjoys reading, going to the beach, hunting for craft beers, the Patriots (she stands by them, Deflategate be damned), and trying to get me to eat mushrooms (not happening).



In May of 2015, Jenn and I took a trip up to North Shore Animal League in Long Island and came home with this adorable shepherd mix. Apparently, everyone has seen A Streetcar Named Desire and likes to scream “Stelllllaaaaaa!!!” at us, but I just like to tell everyone we named her after the beer. She’s a total sweetheart when she’s not biting us or eating ALL OF THE FLIP FLOPS. Stella enjoys sleeping all day, eating things she’s not supposed to, and waking us up for no particular reason at 5 in the morning.

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